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Startup Update - Wishsense.com

I’ve been working on my Wishsense idea over the weekend. The more I work on the idea the more I really love reviewing how happy purchases in my life make me. My goal with Wishsense is to build a site where the community adds products they’ve purchased and how happy the item has made them based on a set of Wishsense happiness criteria.

The goal is for new users to “Follow” a reviewer they find they relate to in style or hobbies. That way when a review comes up by someone you follow that made that person incredibly happy long term, you too can purchase the item and expect an increase in your happiness. We like to think everyone is different, but I’ve found people I’m incredibly similar to in terms of what makes us happy in life. Wishsense helps us find that person and ways we can actually buy happiness.

So go checkout Wishsense.com and let me know what you think. If you want to be a part of the Wishsense community drop me an email. I’m working on how to self-register for the Wishsense community so everyone can join on his/her own and post reviews. That will allow Wishsense to scale powerfully and provide a tremendous value to the world.