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The Internet MBA - My two year plan to launch 12 different companies.

A few months ago I decided to launch and fail fast. The problem is I needed a system and I needed to make sure I didn’t continue to make hte same mistakes throughout every idea I launched. Since I’m in the learning process I also needed to put some financial boundaries around the process. That’s when I decided to pursue my internet MBA. I’ve been contemplating a proper MBA for at least 10 years! It’s pitiful, but every time I’ve come close to finally attending business school I decide not to. In business school I want to study entrepreneurship. The thing with entrepreneurship is it’s unclear how a formal MBA program would teach me more than simply putting the rubber to the road and learning first hand from my own failures. That’s when I decided I’m launching my own MBA program and funding it for far less than a fulltime MBA program at Berkeley.

I estimate a full-time MBA was going to cost me around $200,000 for a top tier two year program. Add that to the time off-work I would take and an MBA is going to cost me around $400,000 over two years. What I decided for the Internet MBA is to allocate $35,000 towards launching businesses. I don’t even care what the business is about as long as I find it business worthy. If I have an idea I will pursue it. The goal is to launch 12 different business ideas in 2 years. With each idea I will build off the others. From how to launch, how to measure the market,, building an MVP, marketing, and the early sales/traction process . Each is a crucial part I’ve failed at in prior ideas I went after.

This is something I consider fun, so why not try to make this part of my life and learn from it? Now that I have $35,000 to learn with, what will I do?

Here are my currently launched ideas:

1) https://www.Rickrolled.com

2) https://www.Aibo.us

3) https://www.Cogneta.ai

4) https://www.happybirthdaysong.com

5) https://www.poclab.com

6) https://www.owldns.com

I’ll provide quarterly updates to each business. Some might fail fast. Some may linger passively. Some I hope will succeed. If I don’t reach 12 business’ created, that’s not a failure. 12 is the number I set to force the homework assignments.

The graduation goal is to produce a company that has an annual NET PROFIT of at least $1. That includes paying myself for the time I spend on the business.