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Book of the Day - The Fred Factor, by Mark Sanborn

The first book of 2019 is completed. The Fred Factor: How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. What I love about The Fred Factor and you will to, is that the financial independence belief of not looking at every function of your job as a pursuit of money, but a function of loving waking up in the morning and giving your customer’s, friends, family everything you have that day. Find the parts in your life where you can pour your passion into and great things will come from it.

I love my “job”. I have no interest in quitting the work force, cyber security, or stopping my pursuit of achieving more in life. I’m failing at FIRE and proud of it. The Fred Factor was a good way to start 2019 remembering to give others more than they expect.

I don’t mean to be harsh about the book and give it only two stars, but I’m reflecting on the lack of unique ideas, creativity, and repetitiveness of the underlying stories. It’s a short book for obvious reasons. I would love to have Mark Sanborn give a solid motivational speech at my companies meetings. The book was written in a way you would expect a great motivational speaker to write a book and kudos to the author for that. Two stars doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read this book, but be ready for a bit of redundancy. Start your 2019 with this book to remind yourself that you are a gift to the world! Share your unique gift with others.

Buy it on Amazon

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