Hacker Finance

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Book of the day - Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip A. Fisher

What I learned here was you can spend all of your time studying the market or put it all into an index fund and go away to enjoy life, coming back 20+ years later to an account equal in size to that of the active investor. In line with my current goals in life, I’m giving up on the “enjoyment” of stock trading and focusing my life on happiness. With that, I’m all in on VTSAX or low fee index funds and going to keep focus on what I’m great at in life and my niche that has created my career, cyber security.

My takeaway - I have more to earn continually learning and growing in the cyber security field than I do spending an hour or more per day studying the stock market for the best opportunity to buy. I’m directing my current efforts on my Cloud AWS Security Specialty certification and not on “what stock to buy/sell” next.

Great book!

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